This verse came to mind several times in the days leading to my visit to see my grandparents in FL. And just last night at dinner, I feel like God had to nudge me with, "remember that verse I brought to your mind. Yes that applies. Right. Now."
Words from family members tend to have much more of an effect on someone. Words from people who have known you from day 1 cut much deeper from those of a stranger, or even a friend.
God has been gracious. Since last night there are approx 5 comebacks with which I could have returned the cutting jab, but God keeps bringing that verse to mind, which helps me combat my flesh. The Enemy is ready to provide me with equally cutting words, but I reject them.
I like the end part of the verse, "If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." I read that, "if you're worried about making men happy, then I can't use you Ian" and I think God wants to use each and every one of us to advance the Kingdom. Do I want to be used by God, do I want to be a servant of Christ? A thousand times yes, so that adds some extra motivation to turn the other cheek and to love said family member who is loose with his or her tongue.
If that motivation of wanting to be a servant of Christ is not enough, there's the "love your neighbor" verse. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" - John 13:34-35.
I remember one time I gave a certain family member a big hug when a handshake was expected, and it sort of paralyzed him (um...or her. ok it's a him :). So when we can return a jab with an act or word filled with love, then that's powerful.
That's the Kingdom.
** I hesitate to write this entry and I wanna backspace the heck out of it for fear of giving the impression that my time in FL with my grandparents is not enjoyable. Beneath it all, I am forever thankful to be with my grandparents. Another reality that hits me is that my grandparents are just people. My grandpa's just a guy, and my grandma's just a girl. A guy and a girl who decided to marry each other, and later to have kids who then had kids, ect ect. They, just like me, just like you, have a past full of successes, and some failures. Not all of it is rosy, and on this level I can relate to them. We're all broken, but we're still all created by God who relentlessly pursues us in order to make us whole again, to complete His work in us.
*** why the picture of Bush? I'll blog about it later. Let's just say that W and I are now bbf's now tho nbd.