Thursday, April 24, 2008

Google Gadget: Search the Bible / Daily Verse

Check it - a little gadget for searching the bible for Google Gadgets. It was the recent recipient of the Best Gadget in the Universe Award. It includes a Daily Verse tab which refreshes (every day). Wait, or is it every 4th day. It depends on the strength of the yen.

But seriously, add it here.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Photoshop Challenge

At work the design team will do a Photoshop Challenge from time to time. They all start w/ the same image and tweak it using their creative mojo. Another web developer and I get in there sometimes and participate.

Check it out! -

Thursday, April 17, 2008


This is a day late, but that's about right b/c I managed to busy myself enough this week to not think about what happened a year ago. I sort of pushed out that part of my week, off to the side so I wouldn't have to deal with it, all the questions and anger and confusion around it.

Until my drive home tonight from Core. It's as if God was like, "now is a good time." I thought about the time I went to visit the marching band to see the tone section after I graduated a couple years ago. It felt so good to be back, and when I walked toward the back of the field to see some tones, Stack went into really-ecstatic-full-of-joy mode immediately when he saw me. I felt so, missed. It was good to see Stack and it was good to see the tones.

I also thought about how we always sat next to each other in psych class and would walked over to practice afterwards. We usually laughed a good bit on the trek over to the field, and it did my heart good.

And then I thought about how he's dead now, he's not at Tech anymore, he's not around anymore. And to this I cried.

I parked my car outside of my place, and I cried. And then I felt the presence of my heavenly Father, Abba, the all-compassionate God. And it was like He sat with me while I cried and wrapped His arms around me, and mourned with me. Now as I write this I feel a hint of rejoice, because the loving, compassionate God whom I trust was willing to meet with me.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008