Friday, September 25, 2009

Switzerland Visit Day 1

Day 1 of visit to Switzerland. First a quick background. My parents moved there circa 9 months ago, with my Dad getting a new job for World Wildlife Fund. Not sure how long they'll be there. 3 to 5 years, maybe less than 3.

This is my first visit to see them. The traveling was just fine. Flew from Richmond to DC, then DC direct to Geneva. I met my sister in DC and we caught the same flight over, which was nice. She gave me a Tylenol PM on the flight and that knocked me out. A good note to self.

We mostly took it easy on day 1, since we arrived at 8am in the morning, which was weird. It felt like the longest day of my life. I took a nice nap which was oh-so needed. We also walked around Gland some, where my parents live. It's next to Nyon, which is next to Geneva. ish. I convinced them to visit my Dad at work, which rocked. Met his boss who is super cool, and his work place is a 3 minute walk to where they live. Win-win. We also walked to Lake Geneva. Really nice lake, and HUGE!

Part of the chillin' back at the homefront involved playing some Nerts. Love that game.

We had some home-cooked dinner and it was amazing. My Mom doesn't mess around when she cooks. That was nice. I mean pasta or eggs over easy for dinner is good too back when I cook for myself, but, I prefer my Mom's cooking. :)

They have a fun place. They're renting an apartment, and it's right atop of some shops. They walk to the grocery store. They're also just across a lawn from an elementary school. You can hear the kids laugh and play during recess throughout the day, and if Joy had a sound it would be that.

Those are the big things for day 1. Pictures to come. So far it's been a blast. :)


Randa Hokie said...

Enjoy Switzerland! It's a beautiful country! I'm jealous you are there!

Gregg Cobert, Jr. said...

of course you taught them Nertz