Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I met kind of a big deal in San Diego

I went to San Diego last week for about 4 days. It was lots of fun. One of the highlights was meeting a celebrity (sort of). And by (sort of) I mean (not really), by which again I mean (not at all). Erroneous!*

But seriously. Everyone remembers MacGyver, right? I think the show won the Nobel Peace Price back in '92. Well the actor who played Mac is Richard Dean Anderson (RDA). At least I call him RDA. So I met his brother's friend's friend in San Diego. Yeah, the real deal.

Now that RDA and I are basically family, they've invited me over for Thanksgiving next year. I said I'd think about it. I'll probably go.

*Shout out to Beas on that. Other readers - what movie is that from?

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