It's 12:21am and I'm tired, but I need to jot this stuff down. I must admit that every once in a while I'll take a step back and think, is this whole thing real? Does God really love me and do I even matter? Did God really create everything around me? When I pray, is anyone/anything listening? It all just feels like some abstract thought.
I had one of those moments tonight, and certain images came to mind. The sunset, the leaves changing color in the Fall, the sky right before a storm, a father connecting with his son. I then thought, God did this. God made all these things. They are all beautiful because there was someone with the capacity to create beauty, if only to dazzle us. I refuse to believe that nature just "happened," and that these wonders are simply byproducts of chance. There is a painter behind the masterpiece.
I received an email saying my picture was up for the 10K. I clicked on the link and this is what came up. It's not me though. I was wearing a red shirt, not gray.
Yesterday I ran the Monument 10K here in Richmond. My brother convinced me to do it a few months ago, and I ran it with him and his wife Meghan. I should say him and my sister-in-law because she rocks. Afterwards we got a ton of free stuff, like Doritos, bananas (my fav), energy bars, free trips with JetBlue. That last one would be SWEET!
A thought hit me after the race while I was people watching. Every single person there, 20,000 runners, were all unique. They all had their own stories. Their own dreams, hopes, wounds. I had this urge to speak to every one of them and to take a look into their lives.
It was a quick thought, so that's really all I have to write ;-)